A complete hearing evaluation involves several other tests as well. In order to determine what kind of hearing loss is present, a bone conduction hearing test is administered. In this test, a vibrating tuning fork is placed behind the ear, on the mastoid process. When the patient can no longer feel/hear the vibration, the tuning fork is held in front of the ear; the patient should once more be able to hear a ringing sound. If they cannot, there is conductive hearing loss in that ear. Additionally, the tuning fork is placed on the forehead. The patient is then asked if the sound is localised in the centre of the head or whether it is louder in either ear. If there is conductive hearing loss, it is likely to be louder in the affected ear; if there is sensorineural hearing loss, it will be quieter in the affected ear. This test helps the audiologist determine whether the hearing loss is conductive (caused by problems in the outer or middle ear) or sensorineural (caused by problems in the cochlea, the sensory organ of hearing) or neural - caused by a problem in the auditory nerve or auditory pathways/cortex of the brain. - Wikipedia
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This is not Beethoven. |
Kalau betul ada alat pendengaran yg guna getaran tulang (seperti dlm post ambe sebelum ni), ia dapat menyampaikan bunyi pada kebanyakan orang pekak, dapat selesaikan masaalah jangkitan telingan yg banyak berlaku pada pengguna earphone dan tidak akan merosakkan gegendang telinga sebab bunyi tak travel melalui gegendang pun. Ambe teringat Ludwig van Beethoven yang menjadi pekak, dia potong kaki piano dan tekupkan telinga beliau utk merasai getaran dari piano bagi menginterpretasi getaran tu pada bunyi. Walaupun belum ada direka, ambe rasa alat ni boleh dinamakan "Skullphone" bagi mengikuti naming convention, "Headphone" dan "Earphone".
Di belakang telinga kanan dan kiri anda ada satu benjolan tulang yang dinamakan tulang "Mastoid Process". Medical practitioner buat hearing test dengan menyentuh pitchfork yang bergetar pada tulang ini dan boleh mendengar bunyi dari telinga dalam tanpa melalui gegendang.
Mastoid Proces |
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